So, now you have that business website, blog or FaceBook page…now what?
In order to really put your business on the online map you need good content written specifically to capture your market for key words and phrases that will put you on top of the Google rankings and that will be great enough to be shared and circulated on social media.
Need some help with that? Let’s talk.
In the meantime, here are a few current examples of my writing:
Just for fun. Thanks Joe of Joe’s Bigfoot BBQ Sauces for letting me run with this. I believe that every business needs a story. People love stories.
Main Page content >>About Joe Page content >>
About Bigfoot content >>
Featured articles and other content for Manzanita, Market where I got to combine my degrees in Public Health & Research with my love of food with writing and keyword marketing.
Featured Product articles >>
Manzanita Market’s “Little Apple” Logo & how Manzanita, Oregon got its name >>
All concepts, words, design & marketing materials for the Healing Hearts Fairs:
Another labor of love.
The September Fair materials >>
Other writing:
Experiencing nonlinear time through lucid dreaming >>